Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just Saw The Dawg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And he looks so much better. He's watching the Braves game and they're ahead!!!!

Carroll said it worked and they he can already tell a big difference. Hurrah! Isn't that fantastic news?!!?!!

He's talking up a storm, watching the game and breathing.

To go in for a short visit, each person has to wash hands, put on a gown and latex gloves. Look at other restrictions in previous post. They are enforced in CCU!


Pam said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I am so glad its all over and you are feeling better!! we have been a complete mess here worrying about you Pop.. I hope the Braves are still winning.. :) I love you so much and I miss you. We are coming home not this weekend but the next (26th I think). Then you should be home and we can spend some good quality time with you!! WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH POP! HANG IN THERE...

Pam said...

I sent a long comment, I hope he got it.. If not I will send a new one! LOVE YOU POP!!!!!!!! GLAD ITS OVER AND YOURE BETTER. :)

Roseann said...

So glad to hear it went well! That must have been the influence of the doctor that likes the phillies... Anyhow, rest up, take it easy, feel better, and hopefully we'll see you up and around soon.



Anonymous said...

I am totally elated to hear such wonderful news!!! I have had you on my mind all day. Such a relief to know you came through with flying colors and are feeling so much better so quickly. We love you and miss you so!!!! P