Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Flowers, Food and More

Yesterday, The Dawg said he was "taking care of some business" on the phone. Could "business" be translated to mean some other woman??? Better not be!! (Don't worry; I know better.)

While he was on the phone, I went outside in his yard and took pictures of some of the magnificent flowers there. These gardenias are at the driveway. Such a fabulous fragrance!

There has some beautiful hydrangeas at the front porch.

According to one on-line reference, hydrangeas may be white, pink or blue. That source left out my very favorite color - purple. There are also some deep purple ones.

Yesterday Carroll received a beautiful floral arrangement from our church, St. Luke's Lutheran. These were altar flowers from Sunday's service and included hydrangeas. We also received food from our Casserole Ministry.
He has a follow-up appointment with a new doctor this afternoon. Well, no, not a new doctor but one who is new to us.
Oh, yes, the Braves won last night, or maybe it was actually this morning by the time the game was over. It went to 15 innings!!!!

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